You can watch that part here.
This is why I hate superiority-complex-having Linux users, because their opinions are subjective as fuck (not to mention elitist), and if you make a point that’s against what they believe, they assume you’re either a noob or a Windows or macOS fanboy even when your point relates to the UX for the average user. Even as an occasional developer, I find myself simplifying every shit that I code, so that the average user won’t have to go through hoops to do simple tasks, since I firmly believe in Einstein’s saying, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” That includes simplifying tools for the average user to use.
I once saw a video about a movie director complaining about the drastic GUI changes of Final Cut Pro X, and because I’m a rational, and understanding person, I didn’t go like, “Oh, what a noob! Get used to the changes, ya lazy fuck!” Some people don’t have time or don’t feel like reprogramming their muscle memory to do simple shit, because it’s counter-productive, and time-consuming, and that includes learning Linux commands. So if I’m okay with advanced shit, which I am, it doesn’t mean the average user is. After all, that seemingly superior “hacker” feeling Linux users feel, it doesn’t mean shit as far as the average user is concerned.