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I’m the worst when it comes to this type of questions, but here’s my two cents anyway: If you learn to appreciate your own company, then you will never need to ask this question ever again. In my experience, more friends (educated or not) = more favors (especially if you have a modern skill) = more unnecessary drama = more disappointments.
Some people already think you have a superiority complex just because you said “educated friends”. I mean, sure, anonymity brings out the worst in people, but still, I don’t think it’s worth it to sift through all the saltiness just for the sake of finding a way to meet new educated friends. You’re better off on your own, and instead of letting peer pressure bring you down by making you think that somehow, “being alone is nothing but mental torture”, remind yourself that that’s just something people say in order for you to live in an unending cycle of disappointments, thus never learning from your mistakes.
Even your so-called friends can bully you into hanging out with them sometimes, or else there’s something seriously wrong with you, while you’d rather binge-watch a new TV show or play a fun video game on a Sunday evening or read a book. Apparently, wanting to live in peace, and enjoying life in a simple way gives off a “superiority” vibe. Classic Moroccan “Hang out with us or you’re a mama’s boy!” And of course, you can’t call them losers lest you confirm their assumptions about your superiority complex.