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My Comment on Sandman’s “Sandman Black Pills Woman – MGTOW” Video


You can listen to the whole thing here.

10:27 Yup, they think we’re either in denial or we have a severe case of “sour grapes”. Even if we give them proof that we’re not interested by pointing out how many women we effortlessly blew off over the years (be it an ex or a foreigner who thought she was too racially superior to be blown off) , they think, “Meh, that just means you’re afraid of long-term commitments.” 🤦🏻‍♂️ Thing is, I’m loyal to a fault, but I have the human decency to not go around shit-testing women like they do, so I’d rather be loyal to myself, and my standards, and enjoy life on my own terms than entertain a woman’s child-like behavior; I really have zero tolerance for the latter.