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Faithful commented:
My reply:
While Chris (Upper Echelon) was telling the story, I was hoping he’d say something like, “So I stayed a bit far from the door, and waited a couple of seconds to avoid any kind of unnecessary drama.” At least that’s what I would’ve done, because I always avoid giving people attention like the plague, although I admit that it’s not easy to deprogram myself completely when it comes to those so-called chivalrous gestures. In my case, they’re so meaningless that I don’t even want or expect a thank-you; I rarely even make eye contact with the person during one of those situations. I’m personally allergic to the idea that me being nice implies that I want something from strangers, and at the same time, I wouldn’t use that as an excuse to be rude to people by default.
While Chris (Upper Echelon) was telling the story, I was hoping he’d say something like, “So I stayed a bit far from the door, and waited a couple of seconds to avoid any kind of unnecessary drama.” At least that’s what I would’ve done, because I always avoid giving people attention like the plague, although I admit that it’s not easy to deprogram myself completely when it comes to those so-called chivalrous gestures. In my case, they’re so meaningless that I don’t even want or expect a thank-you; I rarely even make eye contact with the person during one of those situations. I’m personally allergic to the idea that me being nice implies that I want something from strangers, and at the same time, I wouldn’t use that as an excuse to be rude to people by default.