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My Comment on Upper Echelon Gamers’ “” Video


You can watch it by clicking here.

Faithful commented:

I’m a woman, and I agree with everything you’ve said. Why should women attack men for doing things they were raised to do? Thinking that, for example, someone holding the door for you is sexist is honestly pathetic. Just accept the kind gesture, and keep living your day, don’t get triggered that a man “just HAD to do things for you”- he did it because he was raised with the belief that it was the *right thing to do*. If simply being polite is an offensive act nowadays… what has our world become.
My reply:
While Chris (Upper Echelon) was telling the story, I was hoping he’d say something like, “So I stayed a bit far from the door, and waited a couple of seconds to avoid any kind of unnecessary drama.” At least that’s what I would’ve done, because I always avoid giving people attention like the plague, although I admit that it’s not easy to deprogram myself completely when it comes to those so-called chivalrous gestures. In my case, they’re so meaningless that I don’t even want or expect a thank-you; I rarely even make eye contact with the person during one of those situations. I’m personally allergic to the idea that me being nice implies that I want something from strangers, and at the same time, I wouldn’t use that as an excuse to be rude to people by default.