You can watch it here.
NJSC Railfan said:
Well once you think about it it’s all justifed.Murray, who was Arthur’s lifelong idol, invited him on his own show just to mock him on live television. Nothing could feel worse than that to be Arthur, to have his hopes and dreams shattered by one person alone.
To this day, I’m still surprised Joaquin got an Oscar for his role as Joker; I honestly thought Hollywood was too woke, and fragile to look past the pussified nonsensical idea that, “If we award Joaquin an Oscar, we automatically condone the incel-like behavior of the character he played.” Since most movies, and series nowadays are about stupid identity politics, and catering to group identities, making people think that they care about hiring minorities, while in truth, they only do that, because they won’t have to pay them much unlike when they have to hire a white American actor. Heck, even when they hire white people from other countries, they still pay them less. In other words, they treat actors the same way a person would treat a product like, “I want the best performance possible for the lowest price possible.” It wouldn’t be that evil or sick of an idea if they admitted it, but pretending to care about minorities? Give me a break! It’s always about money, and that’s why when they cast the wrong person based on the character’s ethnic origins (like a black female beardless dwarve in Rings of Power), and disguising it as “diversity”, they get to make more money that way by paying minorities less, and having woke journalists write controversial pieces left and right (no pun intended), generating millions of views in the process. The same thing with clean energy, by the way. No corporation would switch to clean energy unless it’s cheaper. In other words, those who have the power to emotionally manipulate you, and turn you into a mindless consumer, they’re nothing but ruthless pragmatists.