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My Reply to Dorian’s Pinned Comment On His “Do THIS to learn how to code FASTER!” Video


You can watch Dorian’s video here.

Personally, I started using code from Stackoverflow without even bothering to look at it, but soon after, I started changing bits here and there based on my needs, and now I can easily write code from scratch, though I try to avoid it in the name of working smart; not hard. I tried to learn to code the academic way like a decade ago, but it felt like a compete waste of time, and the “dog, cat, and potatoes” examples just didn’t make sense to me at all, unlike when I started learning to code my way cue Frank Sinatra’s My Way ♫.

I’ve realized that, when I learn things on my own terms, time becomes irrelevant, and the fact that many people on Stackoverflow are so condescending, downvoting almost every question, and marking it as “duplicate”, helped me become angry, and determined enough to learn everything on my own. I’ve only been helped once, and I remember the old dude’s full name, and what he helped me with; I wanted to make every new domain return the same IP, so that when my then-employees tried to link new domains to my dedicated server, I wouldn’t have to add them manually, so Barry (the old dude) hooked me up with the right tutorial on Server Fault. He also fixed my .htaccess code for a mass URL shortener I built 6 years ago. What pushed me to learn to code myself was the fact that I got ghosted by an Australian freelancer as soon as I deposited the money to pay him for the mass URL shortener he built me, then I got scammed by an Indian freelancer who tricked me into releasing the milestone, making me believe it was possible (at the time) to send a partial payment, so while I was trying to do so, I ended up approving the milestone, losing around a hundred bucks in the process. I was left with like 63 bucks, so I knew that no one would want to build the mass URL shortener for me for that kind of money, so I made the whole project a lot more basic by stripping it of any cool features such as geo-targeting, multiple redirection types, etc, and hired another Indian who was super nice, and from that single URL shortener, I learned a lot about PHP, and MySQL. I was going to hire another Serbian guy to add the geo-targeting feature to it, but the sample he sent me wasn’t good for me, so I remember saying to him, “You know what, I’ll take it from here.” I haven’t hired anybody ever since, and so my journey to build a feature-rich web application that was basically a set of Internet marketing tools had begun. I’ve made thousands of dollars from it, but it became obsolete at one point, so I decided to cut bait, and just move on.

Thing is, before I started learning to code, I had already had years, and years of experience in IT, so because I made a killing online, I thought that I would save time by hiring others to do the tedious work for me. Boy, was I wrong! 😅 Now I can’t even become a so-called entrepreneur, and hire others to do work for my clients, because I learned the hard way that, “If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.”