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My Two Cents on Louis Rossmann’s Apple Genius Bar strikes AGAIN!!


You can watch the video here.

I once helped an American customer get a third-party download manager for macOS — remotely. She offered to pay me, and I remember saying to her something like, “The world would be a much better place if people didn’t have to pay for everything. ” Of course, she did not take it the wrong way like a Susan or a Karen would; she was kinda like, “So true.”

Most of the time, I show people how to do things in the name of teaching a person to fish, so that they don’t have to hire me for the same shit over, and over. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t like “tedious money”. Maybe there’s a, “That’s why you’ll never become rich.” joke somewhere, but frankly, I don’t give a fuck as long as I’m happy, and to say that I sleep better at night is an understatement. 😅

My best friend once thought he’d lost 400 gigabytes of data. Some guy at a local cybercafe told him that the BSOD he saw was a result of hardware failure — some people around these parts are cocky like that. Of course, my bestie panicked, because he was editing our music video (back when I was part of a local rap band), and the thought of losing all that data would be soul-crushing to all of us. I came over with my PartedMagic Live USB, and I found out that the “ntfs.sys” file was corrupt. This was back in the good ol’ Windows XP days, so we went to another cybercafe nearby, I copied the ntfs.sys file from the drivers folder found in System32, then we came back to my bestie’s house, and used PartedMagic file explorer to replace the corrupt ntfs.sys file, and tada! Problem solved, and no data was lost. I had a corny-ass stage name back then (LM94, short for LoveMaker94), so I remember him going like, “LoveMaker? More like HappyMaker!” (As in, “Happiness maker or someone who makes people happy”). Such little achievements are really something to live for. The more I solve tech problems, while effortlessly proving people wrong as a result, the more I realize that Socrates was right when he said, “I know that I know nothing.”