You can watch JayzTwoCents’ video here.
Yup, I can confirm that the family computer is complete, and utter 💩. I remember the days where I had to upgrade our Pentium 4 to Core 2 Quad Q6600, and my dad was like, “Just change the power supply, and add some more fans.” 😂 My dad’s a teacher, and teachers are known for saying dumb stuff in a smart way (and no, it’s not sarcasm; he was being serious. 😂) Man, going from Pentium 4 to Core 2 Quad Q6600 was as satisfying as going from HDD to SSD. 🤩 Your daughter’s friend is lucky, Jayz! Here I am still rocking a 5820K (from 2015) with RTX 2080S (from 2019). 😂 I’m learning to appreciate money more (the hype, and the anti-trust crap that companies pull help with that), so I don’t plan on upgrading my PC any time soon; I’d rather wait until 2025 — when Windows 10 becomes obsolete. Cheers!