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On the Topic of “The Government is Beyond Moronic”


The thread can be found here.

nosirrahx commented:
On the topic of “the government is beyond moronic”……

I once had a parking ticket that I was unaware of. I tried to renew my license and they told me I couldn’t because I had a ticket. I said “OK, I’ll just pay that right now”. Some of you already know what comes next. They told me that I had a ticket, what the amount I owed was …. but ….. there was no way for me to pay this ticket. I had to go in person to the town I got the ticket in and pay it.

We aren’t to the stupid part yet.

I had gotten rid of this car a while ago and could not remember the plate. The town hall where I went to pay the ticket used my name to look up my ticket but would not let me PAY that ticket unless I knew the plate number. I literally had to find a family picture with my car in the shot to find the plate number.

Jorelplay replied:
One of my most ridiculous story with a government entity :

I wanted to renew my passport before traveling abroad, since it was expiring in a few months and some customs agents (another can of worms, good luck convincing them they did something wrong) like to take problems with an ID which expires in less than an year.

I go to get another pass, everything is OK, but then the person there says: ok, now I’ll need to cancel your old pass. What?why? How I’m supposed to get by without a pass for the next month until I get a new one? Don’t they get canceled when a new one is given? He’s like “nope, you can’t ask for a new pass if we don’t cancel the current one”

OK, I walk away, nothing is done since I really needed the pass within the next few weeks. A go back after that, there was another person there, everything is going nice and at the end I ask him “now you’ll need to cancel my current passport, right?” And hes like”why would I do that? People need to have a valid ID, how could I cancel it before you get a new one?”

Yup. It really depends with whom you seek that day and how good they slept the night before.

My reply to Jorelplay:
I had a similar issue with my previous ISP (Morocco Telecom). After I switched to Orange fiber Internet ($5 cheaper, and has twice the upload speed (100Mbps instead of 50Mbps) compared to MT’s package, and 20 megabits more download speed (~120Mbps instead of 100Mbps)), I went to a Morocco Telecom agency (A) to terminate my contract, making sure I had a request in writing up my sleeve thanks to the little research I did beforehand, and the woman there was like, “You still haven’t paid one bill. Do that, and we can terminate your contract 2 days from now.” To my knowledge, the remaining month is paid in advance when the contract first starts, but I didn’t want to argue with her, and instead, I decided to go to a different agency, but before that, I went to a cybercafe in our neighborhood, and paid the bill. The woman in the other agency (B) was like, “You need to go to the same agency where you first signed the contract.” Once again, I didn’t want to argue, so I went to the agency (C) where it all started, as it were. The guy there asked for the written request, chuckled while reading it, because it was super detailed, and my point was, “I don’t want to make any mistakes, and I want this done asap, and I hate dealing with bureaucrats, and paperwork.” I even asked if I needed to give them back the router, because some fellow Moroccans online claimed they were told by some employees to bring back their router as part of the contract termination clause, but this guy was like, “Absolutely not! You’ve already paid for it.” I also asked him if it was necessary to end the contract at the same agency, and he was like, “Not really.” And that’s when I thought to myself, “Oh, that sneaky old hag!” Thing is, it’s not the first time that woman from Agency B messed with me like that (ironic how that agency is called “Justice”, since it’s located near a court of first instance). I once went to initiate a fiber Internet transfer from one apartment to another, and she told me I had to pay around 20 bucks as a fee, and I asked her if it was necessary to do it in that moment or it would be included in my next monthly bill, and her reply was the former, then I later learned it was actually the latter, but she misled me, wasted my time, and made me wait 3 days in order to fill in a transfer request. I remember telling the guy at Agency C after he told me any agency could’ve terminated my contract, “Who does she think I am anyway? The son of a prime minister? I can’t afford to keep 2 different fiber Internet services simultaneously, which makes me wonder whether she thought I would change my mind by wasting my time like that, knowing that I already have Orange fiber Internet set up at home. Oh, well.” As it turned out, I didn’t have to wait 2 days in order to terminate the contract; all I had to do was pay the bill, and go to an agency where the employee there has human decency. Simple as that. Because I know how predictably unpredictable these employees can be, I didn’t even want to suggest paying the bill right there and then (at Agency A). And you’re right, @Jorelplay, employees can easily take it all out on you without flinching as if it were our fault they hate their job, which seems to be the case. Otherwise, they wouldn’t need to mess with us like that.