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Online Anonymity Brings the Worst in People


Here’s the link to the Reddit post.


Anonymity gives such pathetic people “power”, whatever the f*ck that means, which explains why they resort to talking shit like that. Reminds me of vegans who protest near restaurants that serve meat by displaying bloody pig heads. 🤦🏻‍♂️


My mom doesn’t like having animals at home, either, but not because of religious reasons, and she would never harm them — she doesn’t mind an aquarium or something like that. She once returned a cat to a distant relative who gave me said cat, and everyone at home told me the cat ran away. I was like 5 or 6 at the time. As an adult now, I found my own reason for not adopting animals, that is, I don’t want to experience that kind of loss, and I’m sure my mom’s main reason has something to do with responsibility — she’d already had 5 big cats to take care of, if you catch my drift. 😅


As a kid, I hated getting used to hanging around sheep, feeding them, singing random songs to them, knowing that they’re gonna get slaughtered a week or two later. Now when it’s time for everyone to go Dexter Morgan on their sheep, I just stay the f*ck home — while they go enjoy their rituals at my big brother’s — simply because I’d rather live on my own terms than protest, and force everybody else to live like me. I’m not vegan or anything; I just get tired of being forced to do things I don’t really like doing, so even if it means making everyone hate my guts, I don’t mind as long as I’m at peace with myself. My family’s used to the fact that I’m not into religious rituals, weddings, funerals, etc, so everyone’s happy. I learned that sometimes we’d rather suffer, and expect the worst than have the balls to be ourselves, and to hell with everybody else. Funny how Renegade by Eminem Feat. Royce da 5’9″ is playing right now, because yeah, I’ve never been afraid to talk about anything. 😁