The comment below was posted here.
36:07 😂👏🏻 “If it were up to me, I would advise you not to pursue formal education at all. Haha!” That’s what Soufyane said, and that’s what made me write all this. As a guy who dropped out of university even though I was top of my class, I totally agree, bro! You make excellent content, Soufyane, and you give excellent advice. It warms my heart to know that there’s a Moroccan Youtuber out there dedicating their time, and effort to educate the average joe, because it’s about time the Moroccan youth woke up, and realized there’s more to life, and success than mere formal education — although strict “well-meaning” parents are more to blame as far as I’m concerned.
When you suggested that people should start learning English first before they embark on their “hustling online” journey, it was like you read my mind, bro. English really is a “master key” of sorts when it comes to learning stuff, so much so that I never find myself looking things up in any other language. And you know what the craziest part is? I started learning English on my own back in 2006, because I was interested in learning about Yu-Gi-Oh! cards; I would’ve never thought that I’d go from a geeky kid who just wanted to know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh! to an IT expert who’s so far managed to fix all kinds of tech problems, and offer a plethora of online services to customers from all over the world on three different freelancing marketplaces (Fiverr, Freelancer, and Upwork.) The more I help people, the more I realize that Socrates or Plato or whoever was right when he said, “I know that I know nothing.” Life is so much more fun when you’re open to learning new things every day. 🤩
Keep up the great work, Soufyane! Even though in my case, you’re preaching to the choir, I still enjoy watching your content. Peace, bro! 😁✌🏻