You can watch it here.
Didn’t know I was Swedish, man, because a few hours ago, I was carrying two big bags of groceries while waiting for the elevator door to open, and a female neighbor stood next to me (my peripheral vision is needlessly 20/20, apparently 🤦🏻♂️) and I just kept listening to music with my giant Razer headset on without even looking in her direction or even saying anything. I was too tired from walking 6 kilometers anyway, and I wasn’t really in the mood for the gentleman “ladies first” thing, since the elevator’s too small to have 2 people of different sexes in it. 😅 Usually, when I want someone to go first, I just stay far away, and let them go first without having to say sh*t like, “After you.” like some noble knight from the Middle Ages. 😂
Someone named Matt asked: Is it lonely?
My reply:
As a non-Swede who has the same attitude, if you will, nope, not at all. Actually, it’s super rewarding to appreciate one’s own company to the point where emotional manipulation by a friend or a lover or even a beggar is nonexistent. I’d rather listen to music than talk to strangers when I’m outside. I only interact a bit with those I buy stuff from. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like I have a choice, considering that almost every stranger that approaches me wants money or some kind of help that I’m not really in a position to give — it’s funny how we never blame those who have absolutely no problem putting us in a position where it’s inevitable for us to look like inconsiderate assholes. It’s kind of insulting, really. I wouldn’t mind if people stopped me to ask for directions or something like that even though I completely suck at that, and people rarely do. Well, I’m too disconnected, and oblivious to care or notice anyway, and I obviously don’t mean to offend anybody by doing that, knowing that it may seem like it’s some kind of insulting way to avoid acknowledging the other person’s existence, but then again, people will always find a reason to consider me arrogant or some other baseless crap; I’ve heard it all, so sticks and stones.
This is a little off-topic, but some of my fellow Moroccans glorify Swedes in an unhealthy demeaning way, and I never understood that, since I heard there’s a lot of racism going on there, but if this is what makes people think Swedes are racist, then they’re definitely wrong, since for me, this is something I really respect, and anyone who has any common sense at all would never have a problem with people who like to mind their own business. Seriously, minding one’s own business is as satisfying as not owing anybody anything. 😇