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Why You Should Think Twice Before Using Cambridge Mask Co: A Cautionary Tale


If you’re considering purchasing a mask from Cambridge Mask Co, you might want to pause for a moment. While their masks are well-known for their quality, my personal experience with their service has been nothing short of frustrating. In this article, I’ll share the major issues I encountered, from unexpected fees to lackluster customer support, so you can make an informed decision before placing your order.

Unexpected Hidden Fees? Be Prepared to Pay More Than You Bargained For!

You might think that paying for “Urgent Shipping” would guarantee smooth and hassle-free delivery. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case for me. Despite paying around $23 for their premium shipping option, I was slapped with an unexpected $6.5 fee by Morocco Post upon the package’s arrival. I had warned Cambridge Mask Co. that Morocco Post would likely impose an extra fee, but they ignored my concerns. Had they listened, this headache could’ve been avoided.

Lesson Learned: If you’re ordering internationally, especially if it involves Jersey Post, be prepared for unexpected charges that the company doesn’t warn you about.

Misleading “Fulfillment” Status – Tracking Says Otherwise

After a frustrating back-and-forth with the local postal service, I checked the tracking number RH101669528JE. To my surprise, the package had been sent back to the office, yet Cambridge Mask Co. had marked my order as “fulfilled.”

This miscommunication adds an extra layer of confusion, leaving me questioning their internal processes and tracking system. Why would a company mark an order as fulfilled when the customer never received the product?

Poor Customer Service – Are You Being Ignored?

One of the most frustrating aspects of my experience was the complete lack of communication from Cambridge Mask Co. Despite multiple attempts to contact them, I still haven’t received any updates on my refund. Are they avoiding me? It sure feels like it.

If customer service responsiveness is important to you, be prepared to be left in the dark with Cambridge Mask Co.

Can You Trust Cambridge Mask Co.?

The question remains: Is Cambridge Mask Co. a reliable company, or are customers being taken for a ride? After my experience, it’s hard to trust their shipping practices, refund policies, or customer service.

It’s unfortunate that a company with a seemingly good product could drop the ball so severely on the service side. If you’re someone who values transparency, responsive support, and hassle-free transactions, Cambridge Mask Co. might not be the right fit for you.

The Bottom Line

In a world where customer service should be top-notch, Cambridge Mask Co. falls short. From hidden fees to lack of communication and misleading fulfillment statuses, my experience has been a nightmare. If you’re considering ordering from them, think twice.

My Recommendation: Avoid the headache and look for a more reliable provider with better customer support and transparent policies. There are plenty of great alternatives out there that won’t leave you feeling scammed.