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Yami Yugi Won a Match Duel by Summoning Exodia in Both Matches, Which Made Me Rage Quit 😂


Here’s my reply to this comment:

I have all three games (OG versions). Yesterday, someone said something hilarious about Steam “Deck”, which reminded me of 2 things said by Yami Yugi, so I extracted the NRG (Nero) file, then installed the game, and extracted the 2 WAV files from the voice.dat, and made a short video about the whole thing just for fun, and today, I decided to kick Yami Yugi’s butt for old times’ sake, and in the last match duel, the little bastard won twice by summoning Exodia both times, which made me rage quit, since I had the upper hand both times, but clearly, RNG had other plans. 😅