This is a cautionary tale that only a few people get to hear about. It shows that I don’t take crap from anyone, and I always do more than my best to help, and most of all, I don’t like dealing with mercurial people who think they can get away with bossing me around soon after treating me like their own deity like it’s some kind of twisted domestic-abuse-ridden relationship; it just sounds unnecessarily psychotic, and immature. I’ve recently got suspended on Upwork for being honest, so I intend not to deal with that again, but honesty is ingrained in my DNA, and I honestly believe that everyone deserves to know who they’re dealing with exactly when they decide to hire me. Compared to my peace of mind, your money doesn’t mean jack, seriously. Stop thinking that we all live in your capitalistic bubble where you have to pay for everything. Some of us care more about tranquillity than money, and that’s why some of us are immune to suicidal thoughts, and you’re not. Food for thought.
If you think I’m toxic, because I always tell it like it is, then it’s really your problem; not mine. You could still be right, though, because maybe toxicity is the effect of being objectively good at something, so people would be like, “Man, I wish you were dumb, because then you wouldn’t be so toxic!”
I really don’t get why whenever I’m real with people, they assume I’m toxic or angry or holding a grudge or being dramatic? So, it’s either partying, doing drugs, and taking a “non-religious vow of silence” or being toxic? Why is it toxic to be able to express oneself freely? Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Am I that horrible for not finding it hard to explain myself freely in any kind of situation? Is it weird to have so much energy that, no matter how much I talk about something, it feels like I didn’t waste any energy at all? I’m a master of taking a hint, so it’s not like I want people to like me or understand me; I honestly don’t care at all if people like me or not. People may think I’m helping them with their problems, because I want them to like me, but in truth, I just want to get my daily dose of solving tech problems, so when people take it personally when things go awry, I almost get an instant amnesia like, “Wait, who are you again?” It’s no wonder that people who take a leap of faith, hire me, and not freak out when something goes wrong along the way, they get instant respect from me; those are the kind of people I want to help.
Anyway, the screenshots below are from my first job on Upwork ever. They’re self-explanatory, really.