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Why Do Canadians Always Have a Problem with How I Express Myself?


For the sake of speaking the truth, I don’t mind immortalizing a random bitch‘s hateful feedback not long after she referred to me as a “Superstar”. From my experience, only psychos pull that crap. She’s probably an only child, and we all know that when you’re an only child, you’re self-entitled, and when you throw a tantrum, you expect everyone to listen to you, and not try to call you out on your bullshit. Oh, and when you’re Canadian, it’s even worse, because any real talk is suddenly considered “rude”, and “unprofessional”, which is pathetic. This isn’t the first time a Canadian mistook my honesty for rudeness. They’re annoyingly oversensitive that working with most of them feels worse than walking on eggshells. It’s no wonder I feel relieved every time a Canadian doesn’t reply to my proposal.

This pathetic excuse of a woman left me this feedback, not because I didn’t do a perfect job, but because I wasn’t interested in working with her any longer, so the feedback below is her malicious attempt at getting back at me for refusing to work with someone who bosses me around just for the heck of it; she accused me of installing a WordPress plugin without consulting with her first, and when I proved to her that I did consult with her first, she was kind of like, “Yeah, whatever, but next time consult with me first.” I really didn’t master the English language for this crap. If you accuse me of doing something behind your back, and I prove to you that I didn’t, either you should apologize or at least admit you’re wrong, because if you insist on saying, “Consult with me first next time”, you’re still implying that I didn’t consult with you first.

The bitch when hungover (she leaves feedback in a way that implies I sell milk instead of offer tech services. Unbelievable!) 🤣
The bitch when Rosé was still doing its thing, and she could still think clearly.

The reason I prefer to offer services to selling goods in the first place is that I’m fully certain that what I’m offering is flawless, so the fact that she even bothered to leave the second review without saying anything gives the impression that, “I’m too zen to stoop to your level, Mr. Toxic, so I’d rather pull a subtle Susan, and let my hangover do the rest.” Seriously, what a joke! 😂 Mercurial people are not even worth the dingleberries on a goat’s ass!

As an expert, it does bother me when a customer pulls this crap, because first, she should’ve been the one to consult with me first before hiring some incompetent prick, because if they messed something up, I’d be the one cleaning up their mess, assuming I wouldn’t be accused of messing things up myself. I knew I shouldn’t have bought into her fake zen “Dream School” bullshit, which is just another greedy capitalist’s attempt at selling bullshit, and I don’t get why people lack the common sense to see past that voodoo nonsense. I expected the Italian guy to be racist or something, and it turned out he was a fucking angel. Now, why would the Italian guy’s experience be any positively different? I’ll tell you why; I pour my heart, and soul into everything that I do, and unlike the bitch who left me the 4-star feedback, the Italian guy was appreciative of all my efforts, and he was mature enough to realize that he had no reason to boss me around whatsoever, and that’s the kind of people I’d rather spend my time helping. He was literally like, “First, let’s talk about the contract.” And I was like, “You don’t have to worry about that, so no matter how long it takes to help you with your problem, you’ll pay the same amount we agreed on.” That was the first time he used my name in a message, which showed his acknowledgment, and his appreciation of who I am as a service provider.

I know how capitalism can plague Westerners’ minds, and make them think that everyone’s out to get them by hacking into their bank accounts, but I’m not like that, and as I’ve said many times before, solving the problem is my only focus, and by the way, if the word “bitch” makes you uncomfortable, just imagine a comedian you like saying it; that way you won’t feel offended by it.

In the past 2 months, I didn’t even get enough sleep, and I spent every waking moment of every day helping customers from all over the world that, last night, I slept for 27 hours straight; yeah, that’s how fucking burned out I got, and this is how I get repaid? Let’s be real, some people don’t like it when you’re this good at expressing yourself; it doesn’t matter if it’s English or Mandarin. There’s a reason why many people over the years got assassinated for their eloquence, and before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, what’s wrong with comparing myself to great historical figures? Would you rather I compare myself to oversensitive nobodies instead?

Anyway, there’s a chance that the bitch felt disappointed, because she expected to hire me long-term, and me changing my mind after the shit she pulled probably made her rethink her plans, especially that it’s not easy to find a reliable freelancer out there; speaking from experience.

I swear, if she hadn’t acted the way she did, I would’ve been helping her with her shit right now. I’ve been employed by an Israeli employer for almost 14 months now, and every time he had doubts about something I did or didn’t do, we would get to the bottom of it, so that no false accusations of any kind would be necessary. That’s what I really consider a mature, and well-adjusted person; unlike some random bitch who needs to drink wine every night to remind herself that she’s not an unstable, self-entitled, and self-righteous psycho that needs to get checked asap.

I’m really tired of having to be nice when clearly, some people don’t deserve “nice” at all. I charge customers way less for services that cost a fortune, so that they’d think twice before pulling some unnecessary bossy-pants crap, and for the bajillionth time, I don’t live in a shameless capitalism-infested country, so I don’t need that much money to have a good life. Her unnecessarily bossy behavior reminded me of something my current employer said, and I paraphrase, “When you charge people less, they expect a shitty service.” It’s no wonder I thought to myself, “This bitch would’ve probably respected me more had I charged her $150 an hour like the ‘ninjas’ she hired before me did.” She referred to them as such; I didn’t, because I know better, and she clearly doesn’t.

I’ve contacted Upwork to see if they’ll take down her shitty irrelevant feedback, and restore my perfect 100% Job Success Score. Not to make a gray cloud grayer, but I’m not holding my breath, because I know how these companies worship customers, because, “the customer is always [fucked] right [in the head].

UPDATE: Feedback has been removed. Hooray!

ANOTHER ONE: Job Success Score is back to 100%! Yeah, baby! Although it could take some time for everyone to see it.🤔

You can do your worst but we’ll rise to our best
If you hold us down we will never rest
All the pain that you caused, you will reap what you sow
There’s no turning back, we won’t let it go