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I’m Perplexed About Something JayTwoCents Said on His “Henry Cavill Builds His Own PC” Video 🤔


You can watch the video here.

I feel like I’ve been living in a different world — or like I have Asperger’s — when I hear about “shy nerds who couldn’t tell people about their passion for computers.”, or maybe I was just lucky, because all I’ve been getting is praise from all kinds of people from all over the world since 2006 — I was 12 at the time. I don’t remember ever being ridiculed for knowing too much about computers. However, some classmates did make fun of me for acing my exams without breaking a sweat, thinking that I stayed home every day, doing homework, and “worshiping [the god of] education at an altar full of candles.” 😂, but that never really bothered me, since I was having so much fun both outside, and when computers became a thing. I remember in the 9th grade, I stayed up until 7AM, making sure I finished Prince of Persia: Warrior Within with the Dahaka ending, knowing that at 7:30AM, I had the local exam, and I don’t know about you, Americans, but here in Morocco, we never have multiple-choice exams, because that’s just too easy for us Moroccans. No offense. 😅 I got the highest grade even though I barely slept. I’ve always felt like gaming boosts my intelligence, and my parents would get strict like once in a blue moon, and for a Moroccan family to let their kids be themselves… let’s just say I was lucky in that department, but I’d also like to thank my stubbornness, because getting my ass kicked by my parents every time I did something wrong or I got into a fight never stopped me from loving what I do, and doing what I love like no one, and nothing else matters, seriously.

Maybe it’s just me, but I really, really believe that if you’re passionate about something, and you know how great it is, nothing other people say really matters, and it’s like that passion automatically gives you a thick skin. At least that’s how I’ve always felt, and I don’t remember ever being like, “Nah, forget it; it’s too complicated for you to understand.”, since I have the ability to come up with analogies on the fly not only for those who know nothing about computers, but also for those who are completely illiterate.

I mean, if it makes “shy nerds” feel better that celebrities are now into computers, then fine, but I must admit it’s kind of sad that some people — at whatever point in history — weren’t lucky enough to be so passionate about computers or anything that they effortlessly didn’t care what anyone else thought, and that their passion made their need to belong or be cool by society’s standards completely irrelevant. When I was a kid, I made married conservative grown-ups with kids fall in love with Yu-Gi-Oh!, including my dad, and 2 of my siblings. Back then, I wasn’t very good at English, and so I called myself “LoveMaker94” as in, “I’m effortlessly good at making people love what I love, while 94 is the year I was born.” I had no clue that “lovemaker” had a sexual meaning at the time. 😅

I’d like to end this with a quote from Game of Thrones, “A lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinions of a sheep.” ✌🏻