You can watch the video here.
First comment:
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Third Comment:
Me: I’d like you to print something for me, please. Cybercafe clerk: Are you sure your USB isn’t infected? Me: Dude, are you sure your computer is not infected? Because usually, my USB is super clean, and cybercafe computers are crawling with malware. 😅
Fourth Comment:
By the way, Thio, I’m about to use your YTSpammerPurge tool right now, because I’m starting to get really annoyed by spammy comments, so I figured I’d do some “janitor” work in my free time for some YouTubers I admire. Great job, bro! 👏🏻
See, this is why I always end up going back to watch a video even when the title isn’t “clickbait-y” enough, and I feel so damn lucky that I have the tolerance to sit through anything, and in the end, it’s very rewarding 99% of the time. I wonder if this alternate data stream thingie is related to an executable I used 6 years ago called streams64.exe, which I used to bulk unblock files I had downloaded via browser, because it bothered the hell out of me that every time I double-clicked a downloaded file, it would ask me to hit “Open” again — not to be confused with the User Account Control prompt. As always, thank you, ThioJoe!