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Indifference Is Lethal to Bullies – My Comment on Sandman’s “Sandman Shares Everything – MGTOW” Video


You can watch the video here.


41:53 “Speak so that I may see you.” 😂 No wonder the kids who tried to bully me in high school nicknamed me Plato. The first time I remember being called Plato by one of them, I was like, “It’s an honor to be called Plato.”, which they didn’t expect, so they were like, “Yeah, don’t let that go to your head, because it’s not true.” All I had to do was go to the cops, and they fell in line, which worked like a charm. It was a lot easier compared to bullying the bullies back in primary, and secondary school. I only spent half a year (second semester) in that wretched high school, and even one of the cops I told my story to, he was like, “Someone needs to fly a helicopter above that school, and bomb it.” He even jokingly said to me at one point, “Would you like me to give you my gun, so you can go, and shoot the bastards?”, after I asked him what could be done to prevent them from messing with me again — I told him I wasn’t the vengeful type, and that I only wanted peace. They ended up signing some paper, and although they did stop messing with me, they were still wreaking havoc in class, which made studying extremely boring, and pointless, so I just spent time at home improving my IT skills.


And you’re both right, guys, indifference drives bullies nuts, because they’re exploding with sexuality like Louis C.K. once said, so when they see someone who’s so calm, and pacifistic, it triggers them big time — they never stop to think that maybe a pacifist was once a psycho that made people even regret bumping into him by accident. Also, the fact that my high school teachers started telling me to switch to a different class, claiming that I didn’t belong there with those losers, made things even worse. Even the female classmate who happened to be top of the class got triggered when those rumors spread; they were, in a way, rumors, because I didn’t claim I was superior; the teachers did, and my insecure classmates took the bait. I remember, while we were in English class, she said to our woman teacher (in the most disgustingly female passive-aggressive way), “He’s planning on switching to a different class, because we’re not at his level.” My teacher was like, “Is that true, Mr. Ahmed?” And I was like, “It’s just rumors. I didn’t say anything. Teachers saw how quiet I was, and suggested that I shouldn’t be part of this class, that’s all.” My English woman teacher was really impressed with my English, so she was like, “So, Mr. Ahmed, what grade should I give Wafae (the top female classmate)?” And I was like, “Give her 20/20 (in Morocco, the grading system is different than the one in NA, mind you).” Then Wafae was like, “I don’t want it.” And then I was like, “Well, give her 21/20 then.” then the woman teacher laughed, because it was obviously a joke — most students were grinding their teeth because they hated my guts.


I’m one of those people who can offend others just by minding my own business, and since I never seek validation from anyone, it never bothers me that people make fun of me, since one of my superpowers is making people feel like they don’t exist — it’s more like a knee-jerk reaction than a superpower. Thing is, even at 16, I wasn’t into drama, so it felt like I was dealing with children, and I was wrong to think that the golden rule was flawless, but I’m happy that thanks to my ability to mind my own business, people rarely mess with me. Truth be told, though, I am the embodiment of, “The less you give a fuck, the happier you will be.”



No wonder they say that female nature is universal. Almost every girl I’ve ever dated, she showed interest in me first, but never in a clear way, so they always wait for me to make a move first, and then the relationship starts. I thought this was mainly a Moroccan thing, but listening to this, it seems like this shit’s universal. Thing is, I’m not one of those people who assume shit like, “Oh, this girl says hi to me every day, so she clearly likes me.” I’m always like, “Unless she clearly fucking states that she likes me, I won’t assume anything.” But that’s the thing, they never do unless I show interest first. Lol The only time a girl said something, I thought she was just trolling, and that’s how fucking unusual it was. Some chick from Chile was like, “Quiero ser tu novia/I want to be your girlfriend.”, during the Windows Live Messenger era (2009). 😆 I remember telling her that I was already interested in someone else in my high school, and she asked me about who the “lucky girl” was — back then, I interacted with non-Moroccans a whole lot more compared to now. The latter said she would dump her BF, and be with me, claiming that she needed time, so just like when you jerk off, and feel nothing afterwards, that’s kind of what happened when she took too long to give me an answer, so when we met in high school, she told a third wheel to fuck off (and he did), thinking that I would tell her that I was still interested as soon as we were one-on-one, but we just ended up talking about random shit that I don’t even remember. 😅The last part reminds me of when Bill Burr said something, and then the audience took too long to clap, so he was like, “They didn’t clap when it counted.” 😆I’m kind of like that as a person. I rarely ask people for anything, but when I do, if they come up with some shitty excuse (Why do you always gotta, like, waterboard me with, like, a 20-minute explanation that eventually winds its way around to ‘go fuck yourself’?), I never ask them again even if they change their mind. 😆It’s like I’m a reverse-psychology anti-abuser, because while my attitude implies that I’m trying to trick people into doing what I want, once they refuse, I don’t give a shit afterwards like, “You had your chance to show some appreciation for the million ‘solids’ I did you over the years, asshole, and you missed it. Think really hard before asking for my help about anything again.” 😂🤣


1:01:40 The only GF that described me as “analytical” was 7 years older than me, and I think that’s because she was the most eloquent of all the women I knew over the years. 😂
1:58:44 Sandman’s point is simple; just because you’re better than me at certain things doesn’t make you superior overall, because I might be better than you at other things, too. There’s really no need to follow MGTOW or any other philosophy or movement like it’s some sort of flawless dogma, and you should always remember that you have to be impartial. Otherwise, the things you say won’t always make sense. There’s a Moroccan joke that goes like: Young man: How old are you? Man in his 60s: I’m 60 years old. Young man: Wow, you look very young for a man in his 60s. What’s your secret? Man in his 60s: Well, it’s simple, I never argue with people just for the sake of arguing. Young man: But, but that doesn’t make any sense! Man in his 60s: You’re right, it doesn’t.