I got suspended on Upwork for telling an Australian guy to fuck off after he said I was a know-it-all with a shitty attitude. Asshole asked me a super generic question like, “Tell me about your experience.” Which wasn’t even phrased as a question.
Which reminds me of Seinfeld when an interviewer asked him a generic question, and Seinfeld roasted that interviewer’s ass for trying to make Seinfeld look like an idiot.
Anyway, I started telling him about my experience per his request, but the asshole had already jumped to the wrong conclusions, and started saying shit like, “You’re making a big deal this out of this.” when I told him, “If you want to know if I have diplomas, then sorry to disappoint you, because I don’t. 😀”
People like him probably think because I can express myself freely, they assume I’m angry or “making a big deal out of things”, knowing that all I care about is solving their fucking problem, so if it were possible to do my job without talking at all, I would do it in a heartbeat. Sometimes when I spend too long trying to fix something that can’t be fixed, they try to compensate me for my efforts, and I insist on not getting paid, because the whole fucking point is to get the job done, and then get paid. I’m like Geralt of Rivia, I only get paid AFTER the job is done no matter how many hours or days I spend, trying to fix something. It doesn’t bother me at all, because “time is money” when the effort made is fucking useful to the customer. If I don’t get the job done, then that effort is beneficial only to me, because in the process of dealing with that problem, even if I don’t fix it, I learn a lot of new things, which I can use to make money from later, so it’s no problem if I don’t get paid, and I’m not pathetic like most freelancers who guilt-trip their customers into paying them for doing nothing.