You can watch the video here.
“So by not releasing a version that doesn’t suck, they fucked up my ability to even scam them to get my money back.” 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Reminds me of when a friend, and I bought a pirated DVD copy of Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, and the crack folder only had the no-DVD EXE file, but not the patched “amir.dll” file, so it didn’t work. We made an ISO from that DVD, downloaded the patched amir.dll from GameCopyWorld (remember Virtual Desktop Stripper ads?) and returned it, and got Tomb Raider: Anniversary. 😆 2 PC games with the pri(n)ce of one. 😆This was back when we had shitty Internet, and it was hell on earth to download an MP3 song from Ares or LimeWire; let alone download 4-gigabyte ISOs. 😆
Other Highlights:
Before No Nut November: 21:02
After No Nut November: 21:05