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It was a pleasure working with you, Usama, and Md Abir. I look forward to our next challenge! Cheers!

I had to gain root access to the server in order to be able to clean a malicious code that was literally injected into more than 12,000 HTML, and PHP files. It was basically an IMG tag with an invalid SRC (src=1), and an onError attribute whose value contains a JS code that’s encoded with eval that redirects to the hacker’s shady ad-infested website. Heck, the malicious code even spread to cPanel index pages like phpMyAdmin’s, and Softaculous’. Talk about annoying! 😂

And of course, idiot me forgot to add -i to sed, and thought there was something wrong with the server OS, so I just zipped the whole WordPress folder, downloaded it, extracted it in my cozy EXP folder found on desktop, and used Notepad++ to remove the malicious code from said +12,000 HTML, and PHP files.

Unfortunately, idiot me also deleted the backdoor PHP file before I could even try to decode it. 😅 I found it in wp-content/upgrade/xcfg.php or something like that.

For those who are interested, here’s what the malicious code looked like:

I’m glad there was no paranoia involved whatsoever when I asked for root access. It’s always understandable when people are paranoid about their shit, but one should note that it’s also understandable when I say I can’t help without the proper tools, and without the proper access. The other guy from Romania, however, did get pissed at me for crashing the site, but as Shakespeare said, “All’s well that ends well.”


Truth is, I usually avoid working with middlemen, because they can’t help but bring the pressure from their customers to me, and I’m a billion percent sure that I don’t get paid what they get paid — an Australian middleman can get paid 5,000 U.S. dollars for something that I’d charge him $100 for — so they have absolutely no right to lash out at me without giving me the benefit of the doubt, and believe it or not, to me, having peace of mind is fucking priceless, and that’s why even though my service deserves a premium price, I go for shitty insulting prices — like a kid who still doesn’t appreciate the importance of money — because a high price, and a cancer-inducing headache are not worth it for me. Besides, in my experience, people rarely hire me regardless of the price due to competition. Also, due to diversity, a Canadian could hire an Afghani for a thousand dollars for something so silly, and easy to do, but the Afghani decides to milk the clock, and the Canadian would still be happier than he would if he hired a Moroccan like me for 5 bucks, and doing the same thing for 5 minutes. C’est la vie, I guess — pardon my LITERAL French. 😂

One thing to note: I have nothing against middlemen, and although I respect hustlers of all shapes and sizes, no one can deny that milking the clock is just fucked up. Frankly, I’m too noble to do something like that, and maybe that’s why it doesn’t bother me at all that people make more money behind my back. As long as everyone’s happy, there’s really no need to stir up drama.