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My Answer to Dorian’s Question: How do you feel about technical certs?


You can watch Dorian’s video here.

Meh. I don’t have any certs (with the exception of SSL certs. Smartass alert 😛), and yet I’ve worked with people from all over the world on 3 different platforms (not to mention civil engineers, musicians, and educators IRL) for the past 16 years, solving all kinds of tech problems — and I’m only 27. Every new job is a fun opportunity to learn something new! Many people have tried to convince me to get those certs, considering how easy it is to do so, but I’m too realistic to waste my time on any diploma or certification — I’d rather sip my green tea, and watch tech YouTube videos instead. My flawless English alone makes a good impression — almost — every time, especially that I’ve never been anywhere outside of Morocco. 😅 I really don’t get people’s obsession with these certs as if they have no problem lying to themselves. I dropped out of university even though I was top of my class, and almost every person here in my city says the same thing, “If I were you, I wouldn’t have dropped out.” And now that I think of it, I’m like, “Well, good thing you’re not me, then.”

Before COVID19, there was a different problem here in my city; people do half-assed jobs all the time, and then blame everyone, and everything when they fail. It’s like doing push-ups wrong your whole life, and then when you turn into a creepy Elden Ring monster, you’re like, “But I don’t get it; I’ve been working out my whole life!” It’s no wonder Dale Carnegie said, “When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.”

People underestimate how important it is to be realistic; those certs aren’t some magical scrolls that give you superhuman abilities, so unless you want to climb to the top by using fake PhDs like that Indian guy with the face tattoos, I suggest you man up, and face the initially painful learning process head on even if you have to bully yourself into mastering something. Good luck!