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My Two Cents on Dorian Develops’ “Reflecting On How Much Time It Can Take To Make Progress” Video


You can watch the video here.

Bro, the moment you started talking about the small steps, and making the decisions you mentioned, suddenly, it felt like it was me talking. 😅 It’s like I’ve learned to “debug” myself by learning to debug code first. I always ask myself things like, “What did I do wrong? Why do I spend money on things I don’t really need? Why was I pushing customers away where I could’ve helped them, and worried about money later? Why can’t I think long-term? Why am I so impatient? Why am I too lazy to do any kind of workout?”

The only 2 good habits I can think of, that I’ve had before asking myself all those critical questions are: Taking a cold shower every single day regardless of the weather, and not doing any kind of drugs under any circumstances. Well, I’ve survived my teenage years without doing drugs (including cigarettes and alcohol), so the temptation or peer pressure is really nonexistent.

I would’ve never imagined myself being employed by the same person for 15 months, getting paid for all the tech geeky stuff that I used to do for myself without making a penny, and having enough time to help new customers on Upwork every other day, and now I’m watching YouTube videos without having to worry about anything money-related at all. My workout routine went from nonexistent to daily walks to like 6-minute warmup, and now it’s a 22-minute warmup.

I’ve recently created multiple custom voice commands for my Google Home Mini to:

1 – Run a simple AutoHotKey script I built that plays a playlist via VLC on my PC, and then automatically switches the audio renderer from “Local (sound card)” to the Google Home Mini speaker itself.
2 – Skip song.
3 – Close VLC.
4 – Turn my PC on.
5 – Turn my PC off.
6 – Restart my PC.

I haven’t messed with the stuff for a while, so it was nice to go back, and dive into it all.

The fact that every piece of tech that I love costs a limb, and a kidney here in Morocco way before the rise of scalpers made me realize how much of an idiot I was, spending thousands of dollars on computer parts that should cost at least half the price (and this was back in 2015), so in the last 7 months, I’ve done nothing but save money, and man, I’ve never experienced before how satisfying it is to be able to afford a scalped RTX 3090, and yet still be like, “But I’m not gonna buy it. Toodles!”, knowing that, not long ago, I used to think it was impossible to save money. 😅

In the last 7 months, I’ve learned the true value of deferred pleasure, and being a pragmatist, asking myself questions like, “Would you rather spend every buck you have now on some shiny trendy thing, or save, and invest for 5 years, and then you can buy a thousand shiny trendy things if you want?” Thing is, we are creatures of habit, so if you adopt a healthy habit, you will feel just as uncomfortable forsaking it as when you try to put an end to a bad one. I’ve always known this, and ever since I was in the 7th grade, I would always, for instance, avoid throwing litter (unlike most people here in Morocco), so my pockets, and my backpack were always full of candy wraps, and stuff, and now I can’t even throw a sunflower seed shell on the ground. 😅 I didn’t have to learn about climate change or fossil fuel to know that it’s messed up to be irresponsible, in general. I’ve learned responsibility at a very young age to the point where now it feels fun to be a responsible adult, believe it or not. I’ve also learned to appreciate my own company, which made me realize how true it is to better be alone than in bad company. And the beauty of all this is that I’ve never had to read a motivational book or watch a motivational video, which reminds me of something George Carlin said, “Something else I don’t understand. Motivation tapes, motivation books. What happened here? Suddenly everyone needs to be motivated. It’s a fairly simple thing. Either you wanna do something or you don’t. What’s the big mystery? Besides, if you’re motivated enough to go to the store to buy a motivation book, aren’t you motivated enough to do that? So you don’t need the book. Put it back, tell the clerk, ‘Fuck you!’, I’m motivated. I’m going home, I’m going home.” 😂