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My Comment on DogPack404’s “I Worked For MrBeast, He’s A Sociopath” Video


You can watch DogPack404’s video from here, but just a heads-up, you may not feel comfortable after watching it, so view discretion is advised.

I know that hindsight is 20/20 and all, but MrBeast’s mannerism always seemed obnoxiously unauthentic from the little footage I saw of him over the years, like someone who’s barely trying to mimic genuine human behavior, but I always imagined him laughing, clapping, and jumping like a maniac while someone in front of him is on fire, but anyway.

Jake seems to handle trauma the way I do, like, laugh and joke about it while unwillingly reliving it every time until it no longer has a hold on you, and I think that’s admirable. I couldn’t help but cry, and laugh when he cried, and laughed. To say what happened to him was messed up would be an understatement. The fact that they expected someone to be in their right mind after all that torture, pretending like Jake was somehow still responsible for his decisions like, what the hell? I make poor decisions sometimes when I either oversleep or not sleep for 24 hours, and you expect Jake to be in his right mind after all that messed up torture crap like it was straight out of the Waco incident, all for a video and $300K? What kind of super destructive Gen-Z “I’ll do anything for fame & money” crap is that?

What’s more disgusting is how YouTube kept kissing MrBeast’s ass all over social media without a care in the world, and never bothered to investigate anything regarding his content, and not even the super shady live streams where he blatantly preys on kids’ susceptibility to gambling. MrBeast is like the real-life version of Caesar Clown from One Piece, seriously.

I don’t mean to downplay the severity of what happened to Jake at all, but man am I glad that I never invested any significant amount of time watching MrBeast’s vomit-inducing crap.