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My Comment on Extra Credits’ Piracy – How Can the Game Industry Stop Illegal Downloads?


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Personally, I rarely play video games despite having over 500 pirated copies, and I pre-ordered Cyberpunk 2077 to make an acquaintance happy. I’m never pre-ordering anything ever again even if scientists found undeniable proof that hell exists, and that along the way, they found out that piracy is deadlier than the 7 sins. It just makes no sense to spend a 1/10 of one’s salary on a single game or wait for a winter sale, as if living in a third-world country wasn’t “peasant-y” enough (this is more like a comparison than a complaint, mind you), and don’t get me started on the “not available in your country” BS. It took me all my life to learn to be frugal with the money I make, and the idea of spending it on video games — which I’m probably never gonna have time to play — is as absurd as tipping or subbing to a thot on OF or CB.

If piracy were a major problem, there wouldn’t be new games being released every other day. Despite the fact that I hate to use this phrase, it’s just how the world works. I see piracy as one of those silly problems that are there to drive a wedge between harmless people on opposite sides of the argument, “so they [the ruling class] can keep going to the bank.” like George Carlin said. When people take advantage of me, I just learn to get over it; I don’t go around accusing people of being dicks or evil or whatever to feel better about myself. Self-criticism is one of the reasons I’m exceptionally good at everything that I do anyway.

Maybe something like “Netflix for games” could help make piracy irrelevant, but due to how licensing works, piracy is not going anywhere, folks. Always remember: There are people who are doing far worse shit than downloading so-called “illegal copies” of video games, so forgive me for considering “piracy” one of those pathetic first-world problems that people who can barely make ends meet shouldn’t care about under any circumstances.

We humans are all about self-interest, and there’s no amount of propaganda that will make sane people feel guilty for downloading a piece of software, illegally or otherwise, especially when it’s super easy to do so — like where I’m from. As far as I’m concerned, piracy is like a dildo brand called “Poetic Justice” that gets shoved up impossibly rich big players — pun intended — in the game industry.

None of what I said should imply that I want the copyright laws to vanish or anything like that, since to me, laws are there to make things as less chaotic as possible. Frankly, I’m just tired of self-righteous cunts desperately trying to guilt-trip me into wasting my money on games. It’s like no one has the common sense or the balls or the decency to admit that, in the digital world, since you can make an unlimited amount of copies of a game, and you’re the only one who has the right to sell said game, that automatically makes you a real-life Smaug, and hating on people who get free copies along the way is like finding a bottomless hole with unlimited cash, taking full advantage of it, and then covering it for good instead of sharing it with others — hyperinflation BS aside. I doubt many people will understand the last point I made, but fuck it, it wouldn’t be the first time.