Feel free to watch Glitch Poachers’ video through here.
You scared me for a sec, man. When you said “hot glue”, I thought you meant he literally used some sort of super glue so that when he hugged the streamer he’s obsessed with, she wouldn’t be able to let go. That would’ve been the creepiest, most awkward thing I’ve ever heard about. Although I abhor censorship with a passion, I wouldn’t mind to have this comment shadow-banned for the sake of not giving creeps any crazy ideas the next time they meet their so-called heroes/idols.
Someone commented regarding phone anxiety:
A little info for you, just for your future knowledge and analysis.
I get phone anxiety, but ive no issue talking with people face to face, and being extremely vulnerable and talking about all kinds of things, people always say im very confident/strong/bold/insightful/self-reflective/etc.
But I get phone anxiety because I’m really good with people, and reading them, and managing conversations with body language.
I can’t do any of that on the phone, I can’t read the person, I can’t use my body language or smiles to put them at ease, I can’t stop interrupting them or stop them from interrupting me, as we can’t see when we’re going to talk.
My phone also has some issues picking up my voice and if u hold it close to your ear you can literally feel it hurting your head if held too close.
My reply:
Same here. It’s easy to imagine that when you’re talking to a complete stranger on the other side, you can’t help but feel like they’re rolling their eyes when you’re talking your heart out trying to get some issue fixed, because if there’s one thing most people are good at, it’s being fake or pretending to care, especially those whose job demands it, and don’t get me started on the annoying latency.
I also noticed something weird like, I’m way less anxious talking through my headset compared to holding my phone like somehow the act itself of holding the phone makes me more anxious, so I can’t help but wonder that it’s more like a pragmatic/functional issue rather than a social or psychological one although I normally get anxious when there’s a better way of doing things, e.g., I’d rather get my Amazon account back via live chat support or email rather than a totally unnecessary phone call to save time, and avoid having to spell my name or email or whatever.
Another annoying thing is that, when a client decides a call is critical to me getting their IT problem fixed, 90% of the time, I’d agree to their terms, and sometimes they feel the need to point out that I’m talkative or articulate (because most people assume you have anxiety when you’re just trying to be more helpful, and efficient just like nature intended), so yet again, I prefer texting because it’s more efficient, and I can still listen to my favorite music while working my magic.
I refuse to believe it’s just me that feels this way, which makes you wonder how many misdiagnosed people out there who probably spent thousands of dollars on therapy only to have to deal with even bigger monsters (in the form of placebos, wishful thinking and self-fulfilling prophecies) that probably spawned from those therapy sessions themselves, but I hope I’m wrong.
And about the phone being a pain in the butt, one of the last 2 calls I got, I went berserk on the UPS broker because they claimed both when I was home, and when I was outside that they couldn’t hear a word I was saying until I started cursing, and when I got home, I found their email calling me out for using inappropriate language, and saying that I should be professional, which made me even angrier, since it’s a very long story that involves staying silent and “professional” for a whole month, and even giving up on my package, but that’s not the point; the point is, phone calls are less efficient, and maybe anxiety isn’t always bad. Maybe sometimes anxiety is just frustration due to dealing with certain nonsensical societal norms that should’ve never become norms in the first place.