Feel free to watch Glitch Poachers’ video through here.
I find it sad that these streamers act exactly like the Hollywood elite, but because they’re relatively broke compared to them, it makes it pathetic as well. It’s like the camera turns people into demons or evil spirits or something like it’s some sort of real-life version of Fatal Frame/Project Zero.
And speaking of Pokimane, I could never bring myself to like her one bit, not even as a fellow Moroccan. There are some people in this world that you can’t help but get ultra cringe vibes from that you literally feel like you want to throw up just looking at them or hearing them talk regardless of what they look like or what kind of point this video or any other is trying to convey. I had the exact same vibe about Mr. Beast, and look at all the super shady crap he’s been involved in recently. I’m obviously not a clairvoyant, but I’ve rarely been disappointed by my intuition, note that most of the time, I’d just let my guard down in hopes that I’m proven wrong by the person I’m getting bad vibes from, and sadly, I’m almost never wrong. It’s like having the complete opposite of Asperger’s or something like I’m Bruce Willis from Unbreakable. It can be annoying, because I don’t want to be right about people being bad or shady or whatever, but it is what it is. One thing I learned from George Carlin is that one should never have an emotional stake in these matters, so it’s not just about letting the chips fall where they may; it’s literally not giving a fuck whether the chips even exist.
I think the main problem with not only streamers but anybody that achieves a modicum of success is that they eventually realize it’s anticlimactic, like that sense of fulfillment doesn’t last, and so to make up for that disappointing feeling, they can’t help but resort to silly drama and shady behavior, which is kind of like how a recovering addict relapses, if you will.
I also think it can be overwhelming/exhausting to pretend to be someone you’re not 12 hours a day. It’s like being a little crazy not only becomes a requirement but also an occupational hazard.