Feel free to watch Louis Rossmann’s video, featuring the amazing Mend It Mark through here.
Nobody fucks with Louis, and lives to tell the tale. Well done, Mark! There’s nothing other than pure greed and jealousy that would push an asshole like Tom Evans to take down this awesome video of a craftsman doing what he does best. Hats off to you, good sir! 18 years of experience in IT, and I’m still a complete pussy when it comes to soldering, and logic-board repair, or any type of hardware repair for that matter.
Here‘s Mark’s response to the fraudulent copyright claim.
And here’s my comment on that (it gets shadow-banned on YouTube, and then they wonder why their platform fucking sucks):
Wish these litigious psychos would go extinct, but then a lot of us wouldn’t have come across your channel. Congrats on getting the silver button, Mark, and shame on YouTube and their lazy automated systems for allowing these bullies to get away with these ridiculous copyright claims.