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My Short Letter to Linus Sebastian on Louis Rossmann’s “Linus says adblock is piracy: is he right?” Video


Feel free to watch Louis Rossmann’s video through here.

Dear Linus Sebastian,

I’m an avid pirate, and the FBI has my back. If you have a problem with that, you can take it up with them, and make sure you bring some maple syrup while you’re at it.

I don’t just block ads though. If I see something I don’t like on the frontend of any website, I make sure it’s out of my sight for good. If I notice any dark pattern or malicious A/B testing of any kind, I get rid of it, period. Someone who’s pretending to know what they’re talking about while hiding behind a couple of fat geeks wouldn’t get it.

People with a wife and kids can justify corporate shilling left and right, and yet still have the nerve to preach about morals; if that’s not hypocritical, I honestly don’t know what is.

“With great power comes great responsibility” hides the dark truth about human nature; if anything, it should be: “With more greed comes less incentive to take responsibility for anything.”

Enjoy your constant shameful plugs. Hope your kids and wife are happy “you’re providing value” to the community — whatever the fuck that is.

AhmedNSane ‍☠