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My Comment on Louis Rossmann’s Youtube’s AdBlock detection might break the law in the EU Video


Feel free to watch Louis Rossmann’s video through here.

As far as I know, one of the ways that anti-adblock scripts try to detect if you’re using an adblocker is by checking if the size of one of their ads goes from something like 300×250 to 0 using JavaScript, so I’m not sure if that’s considered invasive, but since they do place a cookie to remember the initial detection result, which reminds me of this weird thought in my head like when you click “No” to leaving a review or a tip or anything like that, you’re automatically added to a database of cheapskates who deserve to be banned from existence, but anyway, yeah, I think that would definitely ruffle some EU GDPR feathers. I do know, however, that looking at server logs regularly, the Internet really feels like the wild west. Sometimes even when you have everything on a website up to date, and with Wordfence WAF, and ModSecurity, some script kiddie can still manage to inject a tiny file with some encrypted gibberish in it. It’s like a PvP server out there like Asmongold would say. In a way, I consider myself very lucky to be tech literate, and whether people like it or not, we all need to upgrade our common sense, if you will. Otherwise, we’ll be susceptible to all kinds of fear tactics used by all kinds of tech companies, big or small.