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My Comment on Sandman’s “We Live In The Matrix, Women Are The Agents – MGTOW” Video


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I’ve just finished helping an Australian client of mine with an unfamiliar bug on his WordPress site. After I had figured out what was wrong, I was going to mention, “Intrinsic cognitive load” to imply “I can figure new stuff out by instinct”. It turned out, “Intrinsic cognitive load” is actually one of the 3 types of cognitive load theory. Craziest part is that I’ve never looked it up before; I only knew he wrote a book about it. I also sometimes tell people something that’s purely sarcastic, and it ends up being a fact about them. Lol Another freaky thing is that, ever since I was a kid, I knew when NPCs would make a mistake. The last time that happened was at the university where, one of my male classmates was reading a text, and before he could read “diner”, I told the female classmate sitting next to me, “I bet you he’s gonna pronounce it as “dinner””; 2 seconds later, and bam! 😂 He had a pretty decent British accent, and I still didn’t let that mess with my psychic powers. 😂

It’s crazy how predictable the people around me can be, so no wonder a female classmate said to me on Facebook out of the blue, “You think you’re better than everyone else.” While another (male) classmate commented on an audio presentation I uploaded on SoundCloud saying something like, “You can’t say things like “I hope this inspires you”, because that’s not how inspiration works.” Then he said something about me having superiority issues, and when we met in real life, I was like, “You do realize that if you accuse me of having superiority issues that means you have inferiority issues, right?” Then he did that nervous “you got me” laugh you always talk about, Sandman. 😂

By the way, this random hate by my so-called peers is always triggered by the fact that I mind my own business, so when, for instance, a group of female classmates asks me to join their study group, and I tell them that I’m a lone wolf, and that I don’t even know how to study in groups, suddenly I’m considered arrogant or “having issues of superiority”. This “their way or the highway” nonsense is pretty comical, if you ask me! 😂 That, and the fact that they expect me to just get in line, but all they end up getting is crickets.