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My Comment on Sandman’s “Why You Can’t Be Friends With Women – MGTOW” Video


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5:07 Reminds me of a Smosh video titled If The Internet Were Real, specifically, IF TINDER WAS REAL.

Personally, I don’t even need any kind of female validation simply because, generally speaking, I’m not a people pleaser, and I never intend to impress anybody — like a friend would say, “Your words won’t add any money to my bank account.” In other words, I won’t stop myself from being exceptionally good at what I do just for fear of impressing people, because that just makes no sense to me. I was recently contacted by 2 blasts from the past out of the blue; one even sent me an invitation to see her selfies on Google Photos, and I didn’t even bother to accept the invitation let alone reply to her email that said, “Do you remember me?” Man, her level of self-entitlement and narcissism was from another world, and I was kind of disappointed in myself that I went from accepting her friend invite on FB, and not talking to her at all, to telling her to “just go to bed, and you’ll feel great tomorrow morning.” after she’d tell me that she was crying out of the blue before we even started “dating online”, whatever that means, to indulging her every whim. She even once admitted, “Back when you told me to go to bed when I told you I was crying, that really pissed me off. You were so cold with me.” 😂

Luckily, I get super tired of history repeating itself to the point where I end up taking extreme measures to avoid making the same mistakes again, and said measures apply to family members, too, if they get out of line. Thing is, even though I’m Moroccan, I was raised as if I were a Canadian, and so people, including family try to take advantage of that, knowingly or unknowingly, and so to get around that, I felt like I had no choice but to weaponize indifference, so for instance, if I do someone a favor, and then later they pull some unnecessary crap out of nowhere, and it happens again and again, I just forget they ever exist, because first, they only saw me as their own personal fixer, so they assumed I would always be there to help them, and also take crap from them, but unlike women who enjoy being abused, I don’t take crap from anyone, so in the last 3 years or so, all it takes is one unnecessary whiff of drama, and whoever is responsible for it ceases to exist in my world. Being nice can be such a curse, because many people assume that you’re like a dog, trying to get a treat, and a pat on the head.

And about the female friends thing, you’re right, Sandman. It’s like being friends with Keemstar. At first I would tell myself, “Oh, she’s a lesbian (we dated for like 3 days before she switched sides), so I have nothing to worry about.” And before you know it, she starts telling me crap like, “We’re at a cafe, and there’s a guy staring at me, and my girlfriend, while stealthily rubbing one out, thinking we can’t see him.” And then, “Why don’t you come, and hang out with us?” I don’t even hang out with male friends at cafes, let alone female friends. The loudness of the place alone gives me ear cancer, not to mention looking like a complete simp even when there is no flirting of any kind. I also noticed something super annoying, that is, while interacting with girls I’m not related to, we always end up talking about pathetic crap like marriage, romance, etc. In the last 4 years or so, I feel like I’ve grown wings, man! I rarely find myself interacting with women, and even when I do, the idea of loving oneself, and enjoying one’s own company is always brought up to make it abundantly clear that I’m not interested. It works great as long as I don’t take the initiative by falling for the old “I’m interested in you, but I won’t say anything until you do, and if you don’t I’ll keep trying for a while to see if I can change your mind.” trick.