You can watch the video here.
6:13 UNLESS YOU GOT A UPS! 😂 I was translating a religious text from Arabic to English once, and suddenly the power went out, and when I restarted, the text file showed thousands of unreadable characters, and nothing I did could fix the issue, so I had to translate the damn thing all over again, which was super frustrating, especially that religious texts require a lot of research due to how difficult it is to understand old Arabic, religious scholars’ Arabic, in particular. So while I could’ve tweaked Notepad++ settings by making it save changes every 1 minute, and even sync its temporary folder with Google Drive or Dropbox (which I did for a while), I figured the best way to keep my mind at ease was to get a UPS, and now I feel like Frankenstein (It’s alive!) every time the power goes out. 😅
The dual BIOS on my MSI X99A SLI PLUS did save my ass a couple of times when I thought all hope was lost, to the point where I once used the backup BIOS for months without even noticing, knowing that the backup BIOS has a blue LED while the main one has a green LED. The latest BIOS version on the manufacturer’s website says it’s a beta version that fixes some overclocking issue while running Windows 10 Build 1903, so I did use it for a while (when that build was still relevant, and I did get a Blue Screen of Death while having my 5820K OC’d), but a couple of years later, I got really tired of a Black Screen of Death that kept occurring while gaming mostly; it was the weirdest bug ever like, I get the BSOD once, I restart the computer, and it never happens again until I turn the computer off/unplug the power cable, meaning that even if I keep my PC on for a whole month after the BSOD, it won’t happen again until I turn my PC off or unplug the power cable; The last time the BSOD occurred was after I upgraded to a better power supply (I had one called TooQ EcoPower II 700W, and now I have MSI MPG A850GF); around that time, I noticed I was using the backup BIOS (beta version), so I downgraded to a more stable version, and I haven’t had a single BSOD ever since, knowing that it used to be the bane of my existence, considering the fact that there’s no tech problem I can’t solve due to my unhuman-like relentlessness. 😅