You can watch the video here. It’s hilarious! 😂 ⚡
The Rickening commented:
My reply:
Same here. I just cleaned my PC yesterday, and it didn’t even occur to me to ground myself, even though I’ve been told many times about ESD by my brother-in-law who lives in France, and owns a company that offers ESD auditing, training, etc — he kinda looks like Electroboom. 😅 I was more pissed that I only realized that I needed a magnetic screwdriver (which I didn’t have, and couldn’t buy one, because idiot me decided to go Mr. Clean on my only PC at 4AM. 😅) after I had disassembled my RTX 2080 SUPER using a regular screwdriver. Due to the crazy amount of dust, and even though I washed my hands with soap a million times, and I even took a cold shower, my hands still feel like they’re infected with greyscale/Prince Garin’s curse from Game of Thrones. 😂 We Moroccans are known for just “winging it, and hoping for the best.” I did get ultra-zapped once by touching my PlayStation 2 power supply PCB while it was on, and both my hands, and feet were a bit wet. There was smoke, but the PS2 is still working great. Good design, good design, Sony! Electroboom’s voice 😂