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My Reply to a Comment on Upper Echelon’s “You Are SUPPOSED To Hate This Show – VELMA” Video


Feel free to watch the video by clicking here.

NightBringer Tenchy commented:

The only reason I even pay attention to “Velma” existing is because Youtubers I support make videos about it and I want to support those channels with my views, even if I’d rather them not even give garbage like “Velma” the time of day.

Denis replied:

That’s the only reason I am aware of the Show in the first place.

My reply:

Same here. I watch/like everything Upper Echelon posts, because my dude Chris deserves all the support in the world. This is basically a cheap pathetic attempt at turning Bill Burr’s idea about offending everyone on both sides when he said, “Trump is such a dope, he’s actually gonna make me vote for a woman.” into an animated series.
12:00 that Peaky Blinders meme is pure gold.

15:37 With your usual eye-opening take on things, It’s really hard to spend a second watching anything you deem “not worth watching”. Thanks to you, I don’t think I’ll ever watch The Rings of Power or Velma. If it ain’t obvious, I mean that in a good way. It’s only fair that I steer clear of crappy entertainment you point out the same way I do shady companies/services you expose.