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My Reply to a Reply on Taran Van Hemert’s “I quit Linus Tech Tips” Video


You can watch it here. Such a hilarious-yet-moving story!

Nala commented:

After listening to his life story, those toilet paper rolls became one of the most thoughtful gifts anyone can give: the meaning, the restitution, the past and the present of a person… Beautiful and moving… Best of luck to him (a kind soul that truly deserves good things).
Maynne Millena-Millares replied:
I cannot understand Western culture and toilet paper. You guys don’t have bidet in your comfort rooms?
My reply:
I was looking for this comment. Even at his lowest, Taran didn’t think of using a plastic bath bowl full of water with a handle (the washing hands with soap afterwards is obvious, so there’s no need to mention it) — no bidet necessary. The fact that his brain went for stealing toilet paper from Subway instead of that proves that the toilet paper culture runs a whole lot deeper than one might expect — just look at how people started panic-buying toilet paper when news of COVID19 first broke out. I’m not judging him, of course. I just think it’s interesting that sometimes the alternative is right in front of us (using water and soap), and yet we can’t help but make a more extreme choice. I can count on one hand the times I had to use toilet paper here in Morocco, and I hated it every time; it’s the equivalent of telling a kid to clean their room, and all they do is “make you think” that they cleaned their room, if you catch my drift. Also, it’s funny how some people have suddenly become such ‘environmentalists with a conscience’, claiming that it’s less wasteful to use toilet paper as opposed to using water. To those people I say, let’s compare our water bills, and our toilet paper usage, and see who wastes more money, and resources, shall well?
Also, I never thought I’d laugh, and cry simultaneously while listening to a moving story that involves toilet-paper-specific kleptomania. Taran’s story is one of the reasons I never plan to live abroad, since I make less than Taran used to, and yet I live like a king here in Morocco (don’t tell our king that. ). But then again, I’ve become too money-conscious to be bullied into spending money on things I don’t need, and that includes toilet paper.