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My Reply to Tom Evans’ Reply on 33 Minutes of Bill Burr


You can watch the video here. Bill Burr is a hilarious legend, which is a fact.

You took the words right out of my mouth, brother. 😂👏 With every breakup (regardless of who initiated it), and rejection, I felt a relief even back when I was a teenager, let alone now where I feel like a god among people, being happy on my own terms without having to suck up to anyone or bother feeding anybody’s ego. It’s amazing what you can accomplish mentally when you stop letting peer pressure turn you into some stuck-up self-entitled nobody’s little bitch.

I’m at a point in my life where I feel like I should say, “My condolences.” instead of “Congratulations!” when people I know tell me they’re getting married. 😂 Women, and simps come up with all these seemingly degrading names like, “incel”, “volcel”, “misogynist”, “chauvinist”, etc, to get people like me back into submission (they don’t like what they can’t control, and they’re obsessed with being in control), so they try to get more creative with the so-called bullying. They even try the “diplomatic approach” by saying unsubstantiated shit like, “When you stay single for too long, you become mean, and you start enjoying dark humor, and then you lack empathy, and you might end up a white supremacist.” 😂

The simple truth is, I’m just one person, and there are almost 8 billion people in the world, so why would anyone care how I choose to live my life? Why is it misogynistic to figure out how women operate, so you’re immune to their bullshit, while it’s not misandristic for a gold digger to divorce-rape a rich man? Am I the only one who sees nobility in not wanting to play at all instead of playing dirty? And I wish this were about me not wanting to get hurt, since I’m too logical, and too mentally strong to let some illogical unstable being mess with me in any way. Only when you’re strong, and you have self-esteem will you truly learn from your mistakes, and only then will you be able to make the kind of decisions that most people are too small-minded to comprehend.