You can watch the video here.
After more than 13 years of not using AV software, including disabling Windows defender using DefenderControl[1] (Thank you, Sordum!), I went with ESET Internet Security, and so far so good. Its ekrn.exe process (service) is taking less than 100MB from virtual memory, and 0% CPU usage.

It managed to scan (custom) a 1TB M.2 SSD, a 12TB+2TB HDD, and a 500GB external SSD in less than an hour. I noticed it never got past 10.3%, that’s why I took a screenshot at that moment (highest). Even though I’m amazed by the almost non-existent performance impact, old habits die hard, so it’s already a miracle that I’ve kept an AV software installed overnight, knowing that in the past 2 years, I only used ESET like 3 times as a temporary tool to get rid of Floxif.H in a quick, and neat way, so that I wouldn’t have to do a fresh install or get rid of any files I don’t need to get rid of. 15 years of IT experience taught me not to act hysterically when my PC gets infected. After all, it only happens because sometimes I let my guard down due to the fact that I manage to do just fine for extended periods of time without an AV software, and sometimes, in Linus’ words, “bold stuff happens”. 😂
- DO NOT USE DefenderControl if you don’t know what you’re doing. Disabling Windows Defender without having any other alternative AV software in place will render your system defenseless against all sorts of threats.