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An Unpopular Opinion Maybe? Musical Numbers Are the New Commercial Breaks 🤦‍♂️🤮


What is it with some TV shows, and musical numbers? Like come on! I’m trying to enjoy Riverdale, and turning every TV show into a less interesting version of Hamilton: The Musical is not helping at all. Come on, man! Enough with this fucking bullshit! Focus on the storyline, and stop trying to shove cheesy-ass music down our throats! Are these songs sold on iTunes or something to make up for COVID19 losses? If so, then it makes sense — money has to be made. Otherwise, it’s complete, and utter bullshit!

I like to stay loyal to every series I watch, but with the people behind the scenes making these silly decisions, I’m going to have to turn into Simon Cowell, and go Terminator on certain TV shows just like I did my social accounts. It’s bad enough that every episode of almost every TV show I like is about some political bullshit that has absolutely nothing to do with the people who watch it. Do you really think that the people you’re trying to send a message to watch these TV shows or even travel outside their country to learn about tolerance, and accepting one another? I bet most xenophobic, and racist people don’t even know what Netflix is or who Samuel L. Jackson is, so with these “in your face” messages, you’re basically preaching to the choir. Do you have any idea how annoying it is to tell, for instance, a mathematical genius, “1+1 = 2” with a proud smile on your face like you’ve just unlocked the secrets to the Universe? They would most likely roll their eyes so hard, they’d end up with self-inflicted brain damage! Enough with the lazy-ass writing, and the tokenism shown in making an episode where only black actors act, as if that will solve racism overnight. If I were black, I would feel offended by that bullshit! Do you really expect black people to be like, “Oh, yeah! That’s what I’m talking about, yo! We the shit!” Hell to the no! As far as any sane person’s concerned, tokenism is more offensive than racism, because one would rather forgive ignorance than blatant sneakiness that’s like, “Oh, here’s an episode featuring only your kind, so you would stop protesting!” That’s just fucked up, man.

I do admit that I watch certain TV shows for the same reason (besides loyalty) Dr. House watches that horrid soap opera, but still… You’re better than this, Hollywood. Take a page from Koreans’, and Europeans’ playbook, and focus on making good art instead of cheesy nonsense. I’m starting to think that empires collapse because of choices the people in charge make on purpose; not mere bad decisions. I’m not used to watching something, and being like, “A story about me bumping into someone at the supermarket is more interesting than this garbage!” I don’t think it’s that hard to hire better writers, and there’s absolutely no need to turn every TV show into a cheesy musical or a propaganda machine. Just like good YouTubers focus on creating great content, while leaving politics out of it, you should do the same. There’s a difference between a story that involves the human condition, and a story that serves only as propaganda, and if you’re getting bullied to write stories in such a mediocre way, vilifying groups, and glorifying other groups, then maybe you should consider hiring actual competent, and creative writers instead. Just a thought.