You can watch the video here.
I’ve never been to the gym (I did play handball, and parkour for a while during junior high, and high school though), but I go for long walks every other day to get groceries — carrying them with one-trip grips — while listening to music. I think that’s the closest thing I’ll ever get to a “fitness program” — sue me. I remember in elementary school, we had “healthy body, healthy mind” written in Arabic on the wall, and I always found that saying or proverb or whatever intriguing, even back then. Louis’ take on this reminds me of Bill Burr on Conan going like, “Look at you, you piece of shit! Look what you did! No one’s gonna love you!” 🤣😂 As far as I’m concerned, that’s the perfect way to encourage oneself to stay in shape. Essentially, it’s for your own good. I don’t think people appreciate how fat-shaming oneself can be the key to one’s survival constitution-wise, and you don’t have to have unrealistic expectations; you don’t have to look like those body builders who stay thirsty, and hungry for days to win a competition or take a selfie in order to look all buff. Personally, taking long walks every other day, while also avoiding sugary drinks did the trick for me.
Thing is, when people see other people with abs, they get the same impression like when a poor person sees a rich person, and assumes that rich person became rich overnight. One has to remind oneself that it’s a process, and if you look in the mirror every 5 seconds, while you already have insecurities about how you look, it’s like you’re welcoming obesity — or eating disorders for that matter — with open arms. Even if you’re super lazy, as a good start, the trick is to start with one simple exercise, but make sure you’re listening to music or an audiobook or any sort of distraction, so that it wouldn’t feel like a chore. At least that’s how I “hack” my laziness, in general. For instance, 3 or 4 years ago, there was no way in hell I’d be able to take a cold shower every single day regardless of the weather, but then I thought, “Well, what if I sleep in the nude, then when I wake up, instead of washing my face, I’ll just hop in the shower.” And then BAM! It actually worked. Now it feels impossible for me not to take a cold shower after I wake up. Another example, when someone hires me for some tech work, I start working on a little something right away. That way, I feel like I’ve already invested a little something in whatever it is I was hired to do, so again, it feels impossible not to finish the work. This is from personal experience, since I’m not a fan of self-help books, and crap like that. I’m more like a fan of what George Carlin said, “Something else I don’t understand: motivation tapes. Motivation books. What happened here? Suddenly everybody needs to be motivated? It’s a fairly simple thing. Either you want to do something or you don’t. What’s the big mystery? Besides, if you’re motivated enough to go the store to buy a motivation book, aren’t you motivated enough to do that so you don’t need the book? Put it back. Tell the clerk “fuck you”, “I’m motivated”, “I’m going home”, “I’m going home”.”