You can read their post here.
I spent almost 5 hours playing Elden Ring yesterday, and I came to the same “Here’s a stick… go kill god.” conclusion. Although I’m more used to “artificial difficulty” like when I beat God of War III in VERY HARD mode, this style is really starting to grow on me, and I’m thinking, once I beat Elden Ring, I’ll go back to finish Dark Souls, because I have a habit of keeping my game save files for years, and taking forever to go back, and finish some of my favorite titles, including The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I had the time, and energy to beat The Witcher 1, and 2, but not 3, not Dark Souls, not Sekiro; I was worried that I was turning into the proverbial “dull Jack”, but I proved myself wrong yesterday when I decided to install Elden Ring, and play it for 5 hours straight, knowing that a few years back, I had no problem playing a game from like 10AM to 3PM of the next day. 😅
Conclusion: If you play video games for the mere purpose of feeling like you want to just keep winning without putting in any kind of effort, then games like Elden Ring, and Dark Souls are not for you. Take it from a guy who never gets tired of spamming the “try again” button until my own muscle memory becomes my bitch. 😅