You can watch the video here.
reinoob said:
My reply:
I “see” what you did there! 😂 Next on the cancel list: Justice is blind. A pussified version would be something like, “Lady justice is wearing a visually-impaired-fold.” Love is blind => Love is visually-impaired. George Carlin must be facepalming so hard in his grave right now. 🤦🏻♂️
JusttryMeGovnah said:
My reply:
TIV intensifies 😂 Someone on Facebook once sent me a message saying, “Take off your shoelaces, and kill yourself.” I sent him a video of me pretending to choke myself to death with my bare hands, with the caption: “I used my hands; hope that’s okay.” I shared a screenshot of the whole thing on Facebook, making fun of the whole situation, so there was absolutely no TIV involved whatsoever, and guess what, Facebook decided to ban me for 24 hours. 😂 Apparently, thick-skinned people are bad for business in social networks’ eyes. They thrive on this TIV BS. I bet if I had written something like, “I just received a death threat, and I’ve vomited 3 times already. #StopCyberBullying” Facebook would’ve verified my profile as a reward. 😂 What a joke! I’m glad I stopped using FB, and Twitter. Surprisingly, I’ve become so productive ever since. 😌