You can watch the video here.
S1ipperyJim said:
Upper Echelon Gamers replied:
My reply:
It’s so weird how the game crashed almost every time I tried to steal a quest item from under a boss’s nose, because I wasn’t ready to fight at such a pathetic level — including when I find a sneaky way to kill an “enemy” without having to spend 200 hours upgrading my character. 😅 I did the same thing on Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and the game never crashed, not once, but I guess it’s unfair to compare the two, considering that Elden Ring came out less than a month ago, add to that the fact that it’s a console port. I’m already +31 hours in, though, and I’m loving it so far! Also, the fact that I get to keep my runes after the game crashes despite the scary warning that says something like, “You didn’t exit the game properly, blah blah…” is awesome! It kind of reminds me of “Save state” on emulators. I still haven’t managed to defeat Godrick, because I figured I needed to craft some fire negation crap first to deal with his “dragon head arm attachment surgery” BS, and I don’t plan on using my unhuman-like stubbornness to defeat him like I did with Margit. 😂🤣 Man, I’m so happy that I gave Elden Ring a shot despite not playing anything for almost 2 years due to work. 🤩