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Relationship Goals? Meh…


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OneRepublic said it best:
All I Need
Is the air I breathe
And a place to rest my head
I don’t think it’s humanly possible to find someone who’d be mature enough to understand that even I get sick of myself from time to time. When I’m single, I can afford to be happy or sad just fine — it’s easy to get over stuff when you’re used to being alone. When I’m in a relationship, however, the guilt quadruples, especially when my so-called significant other takes it personally, and assumes I don’t want anything to do with them anymore. All it takes is one misunderstanding, and suddenly, all that dopamine, and oxytocin go down the drain. Thing is, I’m too rational to fight a losing battle, so when they decide to leave, I’m pretty much like, “Close the door on your way out.”
Personally, it’s not because I’m afraid of being a responsible adult that I see marriage as a crappy gilded cage. I learned to be a responsible member of the family 7 years before adulthood, doing whatever I can to help with expenses — nothing shady though, mind you.
So, unless there’s some kind of “evolutionary imperative” that forces people to get married, and have kids, I don’t see myself getting married anytime soon, and it’s not because I’m cynical or I have something against kids or women; it’s just that I feel more alive, and more productive when I’m alone. It took me years, and years of interacting with women from all over Morocco, and the world to realize this. Marriage is kind of a “team work”, and I’ve never been a fan of team work, maybe that’s why I’m incompatible with the whole construct.
However, in an ideal world, what would be important in a partner is:
– Honesty, which is rare in a world that’s crawling with pathological liars.
– The ability to work things out together instead of packing one’s bags, and leaving the minute things get rough. In other words, resilience.
– Solving problems instead of creating them, and using them as an excuse to end a relationship.