Feel free to watch Joe Rogan’s clip with Colin Wright through here.
Something I commented 3 years ago that got over 32,000 likes (most of my comments get shadow-banned, so this totally caught me off guard):
My reply:
Yeah, they’re called first-world problems for a reason, homie. Reminds me of something my brother-in-law’s father used to say every time his grown sons and daughters start a ruckus at the dinner table: “Oh, so you’re not hungry anymore, huh?”
I also remember a story I heard when I was a kid about a German youngster who had everything life had to offer, and yet he still offed himself. Why? Because his problem was that he didn’t have any problems.
Whether I’m chronically online or living in the real world, I will never be able understand the idea that some people think their clearly distorted reality is the one true and absolute reality, and anyone who doesn’t accept their distorted reality is automatically considered Hitler’s offspring.
George Carlin was right though. I think we should just enjoy the freak show, so while he had a ticket to a front-row seat being an American, I think that, as a Moroccan, I have no choice but to settle for the peanut gallery, but the view is still pretty awesome through my 1-thousand-dollar ultrawide monitor.