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Why is AI Dangerous? It’s Simple!


TLDR: AI is dangerous, simply because it’s made by humans. I’m sure you’re familiar with the phrase, “It’s how the world works.” Now ask yourself this, have you ever heard someone use the aforementioned phrase in a positive light? Never, right? Exactly! AI is built by the same nerds who love The Terminator movies, and let’s be honest, what do you expect from people who stick a warning label on a pack of cigarettes that says, “Smoking kills”, and yet still have the audacity to preach about the dangers of climate change, and how “selfish” the average Joe is. And don’t get me started on the “wishful thinking” of it all. So just like how game developers include Easter eggs in their creations, the “dangerous” part about AI can be caused by humans unflinching ability to (D)estroy, and (R)ebuild (go ahead, and say (U)ntil (G)od (S)hows 😉).

Why do you think when people display an annoying amount of positive attitude, it sounds very fake? Maybe because we’re not wired to be only good, so when people act all positive, and shit, we assume they’re hiding something, and something very dark at that! Heck, people can go mad, convincing themselves every day that they’re all good, and the truth is, it’s all relative. For instance, some people think being neutral towards a certain cause is bad, while others think it’s good (or wise), or at least better than causing trouble for the so-called greater good.

At the end of the day, our complexity as a species is what makes everything we create a force for good or evil, from a knife, to a gun, to heck, even a facial recognition software. 😂 Oh, and from John Wick’s perspective, even a fucking pencil. ✏ 😂