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You Don’t Always Need a Big YouTube Channel to Convince a Company to Do the Right Thing


You can watch Gamers Nexus’ video here.

“Nuclear option” or not, I always get what I want eventually, so long as it’s reasonable, of course. Morocco Telecom almost lost me as a customer for pulling some bureaucratic crap, and apparently, tweeting at them made them send technicians to set up fiber Internet in our new apartment, get me a new router, all within 12 hours — you’re more likely to win the lottery than get an exemplary service like that here in Morocco. Whether it has something to do with me being a wordsmith or something else, I don’t really know, and I don’t really care. Maybe I’m just good at picking the right battles, and like you Steve, I’m not vindictive, and like Paulo Coelho said, “Sometimes when I’m angry, I have the right to be.”

Because of a lot of scammers out there, I always hesitate before contacting support like, “What if they think I’m a scammer, too?” But then I think, “Well, if scammers are confident about their super shady behavior, why should I not be confident about being a good genuine person who really got a fucked up product?”

21:01 “Seems like you aren’t really reading what I’m saying completely.” Story of my life. 🤷🏻‍♂️